Here’s to the Kid

Here’s to the kid with an unspoken mind and no drive to make it. Here’s to the kid with an on goin dream reaching less than his efforts. Here’s to the kid with sorrys tomorrows and borrowed thoughts. That can’t simplified his mind from tripping faults. Here’s to the kid that loves to comfortably. Not knowing you can lose your everything, But still wants everything. Here’s to the kid that wants no beef jus sits on the stoop letting time pass him by. Two hours pass by and no one realizes the human potential we can essential to arise. I have a dream!! How can I make it a reality? Here’s to the kid with no sanity. Is bothering me, these loose canons. Is obvious I’m a loose candidate. Is obvious I come from the ghetto. Kids from the ghetto are stuck in the ghetto. Here’s to the kid with bad habits. Here’s to the kid that needs to be taught consecutive times about the meaning of loyalty. I royal the service that comes to surface with my heart. Here’s to the kid that fail to live by his word. Here’s to the kid with no motor to dictate expression. I have become obsessed with sessions of forgetting because, I never ever want to get close to the image of a fallen disappointment in closure.

-Kat Garcia

A memoir

A memoir

By: Alyse Myers

who do you think you are?

Page 242:

They were two kids who got married too young and who thought their lives would be different. Most of their fights started because he doubted her-and maybe she doubted him, too. My parents fought about everything: money, his health, her parents, his friends-even before they were married. It was almost as if their lives were destined for hurt and disappointment.
The mother and father I knew were the people in these letters. I just didn’t know it at the time. Maybe the father I adored wasn’t the person I thought he was. And maybe my mother wasn’t the person I thought she was, either.
I put the letters back in the box and went to bed.

-Selected photo taken by yours truly, in addition to the creation of the editing.